In person VE testing for all classes of Amateur Radio licenses will be held at the Nacogdoches City/County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on FM 3314 the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Click here for directions to the EOC. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; tests begin promptly at 7:00.
The Nacogdoches Amateur Radio Club will meet every first Tuesday at the Nacogdoches EOC (Emergency Operating Center) behind McCoy’s Lumber Yard. Doors open at 18:30 for social time and 19:00 the business meeting will start. After the business meeting will have a program on various ham related topics. We try to be finished by 20:00 but no promises.
More details are in the monthly newsletters.
Please come join us.
UPDATED ETX Repeater List
NARC operates 2 VHF and 2 UHF repeaters. All use a CTCSS tone of 141.3 Hz. VHF repeaters include the ARES/RACES repeater on 146.840 and the Deep East Texas Skywarn repeater on 147.320. UHF repeaters include the voice repeater on 444.050 and the DMR repeater on 443.050.
W5NAC-10 APRS Introduction
Andy Delgado, KE5EXX, introduced APRS to the club as well as making the motion that the club use the unused antenna at the Nacogdoches County Road & Bridge Tower Site to install an IGate/Digipeater to facilitate the use of APRS in Nacogdoches.
Andy created a document for reference.
It is available for download here.
Directions to Nac Co EOC
The Nacogdoches County Emergency Operation Center is located at 727 FM 3314, Nacogdoches, TX 75964.
Decoding P25 with your PC
KE5PQJ’s program at the August NARC Meeting – Decoding P25 with your PC. Download the P25 PDF for the links that will be referenced in the program.
ARES/RACES Page Created
We added a new page for ARES/RACES resources.
East Texas Frequency List
Thanks to AE5P for spearheading a newly updated frequency list for repeaters and simplex operation in the East Texas area.
FCC Database Search, Printing copies of your License
Earlier today N5DUX sent an email about wanting to print a copy of an Amateur Radio License on high quality paper. It seems that the FCC no longer cares that people take pride in attaining their license and has stopped providing the license at all.
To print a Reference Copy of your license, you will need to find yourself in the FCC’s database.
Go to and enter your callsign in the box in the middle of the page, then click the “Search” button.
After much whirring and clicking a result page will appear. Click on the Callsign on the left side of the table.
Finally, click on the Reference Copy link at the top of the new page.
Your browser will either open your license in a PDF or ask you what you want to do with the file. This reference copy has a watermark that clearly tells everyone that it is a REFERENCE COPY.
There is a way to get a copy that does not have the watermark. It is a little more involved, so pay attention…..
While on the License page above, click in the address bar of your browser and hit the “End” button on your keyboard. You are looking for the ‘licKey=805256’
Now, go to this page and change the licKey to the one that you found above.
Now you have a reference copy without the watermark.
Andy Delgado, KE5EXX