Meetings / Nets

The NARC meets the first Tueday of every month at 7pm. We meet at the Nacogdoches County EOC. Click here for directions to the meeting location.

Join us each week for the 2-meter nets sponsored by NARC. Each MONDAY is the NARC ARES/RACES net, at 8:00 p.m. on the club’s 146.84 repeater (PL 141.3). Second, on THURSDAY evenings at 8:00 p.m. is the Deep East Texas Skywarn Net on the 147.32 repeater (PL 141.3). Please join us for one or both. We are always looking for folks who would like to become net control operators. If you are interested, please contact any of the existing net controls. We will be pleased to help you in any way we can. Here is the script we use for our weekly nets.

NARC also holds an informal luncheon each Wednesday at Clear Springs Café. We start at about 11:00 a.m. The food is good; the conversation varies all over the place; the companionship is pretty decent usually. Come join us anytime you can.

Home of The Nacogdoches Amateur Radio Club, W5NAC